Life today, for most of us, is in the fast track. We race through life, lugging our suitcases full of stress, our emotional baggage hoarding on us, and never ever stopping to unload or unpack. How many of us ever stop long enough to savour the beauty of a moment… we are all racing all the time, through time, with time and against time… We wish to perform our best in whatever we do but what we do not realise that we can do that only if we feel our best…physically, emotionally and spiritually. For that we need to regularly cleanse our soul and our mind, through out what hurts us so we can heal better and faster. We need to unlearn the dysfunctional habits and learn what is more enriching for us.
In order to live an optimum life we also need to add mandatory and specific amounts of Relaxation, Nutrition, Meditation, Exercise, and Sleep along with our daily dose of professional productivity, to our days. A reasonable balance of all these aspects in our everyday life will ultimately bring about the enormous positive changes that we need to perform our best in life.
Take sessions with your counsellor and delve into your life and introspect … heal and grow, unfurl your true self, plan for a happier and healthier life ahead… Write your Odyssey by yourself!!