Indrani Banerjee Sarangi
Along the odyssey called LIFE, we come across various kinds of people and situations, these experiences stimulate different emotions and trigger varied reactions and responses in us. Sometimes we express ourselves but most often we hold back as we apprehend unfavorable repercussions. When we hold back for a long period of time it starts snowballing inside our mind. So much that we become easily irritable and issues that can well be ignored gets inflamed due to unreasonable reciprocation from a bottlenecked mind.
Life is a relationship with our everyday circumstances, family, friends, colleagues and the society as a whole. And a relationship is a set of emotional chords. Often unconsciously, we pull the wrong chord... and emotional distress sets in. But, with a conscious mind, we comprehend a situation pragmatically, and hence respond to it rationally. This then brings about a positive change in our everyday life.
A professional counsellor helps you offload your excess emotional baggage and free yourself from the shackles that have been weighing you down. Indrani is trained and experienced to help you guide to unshackle in a trustworthy, empathetic and non-judgemental manner, and has complete acceptance of what you bring to your sessions.